Clarity™ Series 18, 26.5, and 40 GHz Test Cables boasts steel torque, crush and overbend protection with abrasion resistance – while not compromising flexibility. The cable is ultra-stable through 40 GHz with exceptionally low attenuation. The design includes an ergonomic, injection molded strain relief and Times’ new, SureGripTM coupling nut to significantly improve the user’s everyday experience.
Clarity™ Series 50 GHz

Clarity™ Series 18, 26.5, and 40 GHz

Clarity™ Series 18, 26.5, and 40 GHz Test Cables boasts steel torque, crush and overbend protection with abrasion resistance – while not compromising flexibility. The cable is ultra-stable through 40 GHz with exceptionally low attenuation. The design includes an ergonomic, injection molded strain relief and Times’ new, SureGripTM coupling nut to significantly improve the user’s everyday experience.
SilverLine®-VNA (110 GHz)

SilverLine®-VNA 110 GHz is an armored, extremely high frequency coax cable assembly designed for use where waveguide is impractical.
- Collision avoidance radar test
- Point-to-point backhaul system test
- Probe connections
SilverLine®-VNA (18,26.5 & 40 GHz)

SilverLine®-VNA is a precision test cable with excellent loss, VSWR and phase/flexure stability.
- Vector network analyzer measurements
- Laboratory use
- Research and development

SilverLine® Test Cables are cost effective, durable, high performance cable assemblies designed for use in a broad range of test and interconnect applications.
- High volume, in-process production test
- Incoming/final test inspection
- RF test systems interconnects
SilverLine®-VNA Flex Supreme™

SilverLine®-VNA Flex Supreme™ 50 & 70 GHz are extremely flexible, very high-frequency coax cable assemblies designed for Vector Network Analyzer use.
- 5G
- Inter-satellite, point-to-point & wireless HDMI
- Targeting/tracking systems
- Components & subsystem development

SilverLine®- LPA low PIM adapters exhibit exceptional PIM performance in any cellular or wireless frequency range.
- Cellular or wireless
- Tower or in-building
- production or laboratory

SilverLine®-XF was designed for testing delicate components such as exposed RF circuits with edge launch connectors.
- Production test for small sized RF products
- Edge launch testing
- General purpose RF interconnects through 18 GHZ